Saddlebag Cooler
Part Number:
Keep beverages and snacks cold right in your saddlebag on those hot summer rides. This zippered bag is fully lined and insulated, and fits the full length of your saddlebag.
This item can only be used on the following Harley-Davidsons.
- FLHR (2000-2020)
- FLHRC (2007-2013)
- FLHRCI (2000-2006)
- FLHRI (2000-2006)
- FLHRS (2004-2007)
- FLHRSE3 (2007)
- FLHRSE4 (2008)
- FLHRSE5 (2013)
- FLHRSE6 (2014)
- FLHRSEI (2002)
- FLHRSEI2 (2003)
- FLHRSI (2004-2006)
- FLHRXS (2017-2020)
- FLHT (2019-2020, 2000-2009)
- FLHTC (2000-2005, 2007-2013)
- FLHTCI (2000-2006)
- FLHTCSE (2004)
- FLHTCSE2 (2005)
- FLHTCU (2007-2019)
- FLHTCUI (2000-2006)
- FLHTCUL (2015-2016)
- FLHTCUSE (2006)
- FLHTCUSE2 (2007)
- FLHTCUSE3 (2008)
- FLHTCUSE4 (2009)
- FLHTCUSE5 (2010)
- FLHTCUSE6 (2011)
- FLHTCUSE7 (2012)
- FLHTCUSE8 (2013)
- FLHTI (2003-2006)
- FLHTK (2010-2020)
- FLHTKL (2015-2019)
- FLHTKSE (2014-2020)
- FLHX (2006-2020)
- FLHXI (2006)
- FLHXS (2014-2020)
- FLHXSE (2010, 2015-2020)
- FLHXSE2 (2011)
- FLHXSE3 (2012)
- FLHXXX (2010-2011)
- FLTR (2000-2002, 2007-2009)
- FLTRI (2000-2006)
- FLTRK (2020)
- FLTRSE3 (2009)
- FLTRSEI (2000)
- FLTRSEI2 (2001)
- FLTRU (2011-2013, 2016-2019)
- FLTRUSE (2011, 2015-2016)
- FLTRX (2015-2020, 2010-2013)
- FLTRXS (2015-2020)
- FLTRXSE (2012, 2018-2019)
- FLTRXSE2 (2013)